Monday, March 26, 2007

internatioanl school Blogs

click here to visit This is a cool website to look at. So go and check it out.

iPOds Instructions

Click here to learn about iPods click hereMore than a third of the rural Georgia school's 300 staff members reportedly use the digital music and video players as an education or research tool. Rather than simply making class lectures available for downloading to iPods--a practice now routine at many colleges and even a few high schools--the school's educators are pushing to find more strategic uses of the device. This is also a summary of what they were saying. I hope you enjoy.

using iPods in Instructions

Click here to learnmore about instruction using iPodsThe Instructional Computing Group (ICG) and teaching staff for French Cb, Intermediate French II: La Francophonie, will use iPods as tools for students to practice their French pronunciation. The emergence of podcasting for the distribution of audio and video files has instilled in the iPod new educational potential. This pilot project will explore that potential in conjunction with the Podcast Tool of the new Course iSites course platform. At the end of the proposal period, not only will this important new tool be full explored and tested, but also the instructor’s will submit a report analyzing the educational impact of the this popular technology.This is a sumamry of what it is about.