Thursday, April 26, 2007


Hey I am so glad that I learned how to use the blogs in this class. I hope that all of you have a great time and good luck with the furture and I hope to see you around. My blogs for this class is over.

List of thing Iearned in the class

The thing si learned in this class is as follows:
- Header and footer
- Margins
- Tables in word
- How to make a blog
- Hot to post blogs to someone elses blog page
- How to do an address book
- How to do charts
- How to work excel
- How to make my buttons work on my web page
- I learened how to do a trifold brochure
- I learned how to add symbols in word
- How to use the function key
- How to replace a word in word
- How to use tables
- I learned also how to dothe mutiplcation table

I did not know that you could do so many things in word and excel. I have really enjoyed this class. I hope that I can learn more things and apply them to my teaching.

My web Page site

click here to review My website is about Things I would Love to Kill or Cathc. I did this is because I love to go hunting and I love animals. The thing that I would like to improve on my website if I had additional time would be putmoving picutes on it and to put sound on the web page if that is possible. I hope you enjoy my webapge.

Web Page review

I had to review childers web page and it was great. SHe did her web page on the Wizard of OZ. I love the wizard of OZ. My farovite character is the lion. Well she did very good on your web page and she gave a lot of history facts..

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Kevin's Web Page

This is Kevin Bentley's Website. It talks about soccer and its culture. The websaite worked and all of the buttons as worked as well. The suggestions that I would make is that I would maybe I would reduce the size of the pictures so I would not have to scroll down to see the what I wrote. But I think overall that he has a great website.
click here I hope you enjoy his web page.

Monday, March 26, 2007

internatioanl school Blogs

click here to visit This is a cool website to look at. So go and check it out.

iPOds Instructions

Click here to learn about iPods click hereMore than a third of the rural Georgia school's 300 staff members reportedly use the digital music and video players as an education or research tool. Rather than simply making class lectures available for downloading to iPods--a practice now routine at many colleges and even a few high schools--the school's educators are pushing to find more strategic uses of the device. This is also a summary of what they were saying. I hope you enjoy.

using iPods in Instructions

Click here to learnmore about instruction using iPodsThe Instructional Computing Group (ICG) and teaching staff for French Cb, Intermediate French II: La Francophonie, will use iPods as tools for students to practice their French pronunciation. The emergence of podcasting for the distribution of audio and video files has instilled in the iPod new educational potential. This pilot project will explore that potential in conjunction with the Podcast Tool of the new Course iSites course platform. At the end of the proposal period, not only will this important new tool be full explored and tested, but also the instructor’s will submit a report analyzing the educational impact of the this popular technology.This is a sumamry of what it is about.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Internaional School

HEre is another school form British this is pretty cool website to see different links and websote too. I learned a lot about internatinal schools of this here to view this I hope that yall will enjoy this wbesite.

Internation school

Click here to learn more about British schools using blogsclick here This website was very helpful with information and had great inforamtio0n to learn about. This website had a lot of physcial education areas to look at. I loved this website and I think that anyone going into physical education should check it out.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Hey I hope that everyone had a great weekend and good luck on the website page coming up.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mardi Gra

I Love Mardi Gra. On Fat Tuesday I went downtown at 5 oclock in the morning. I stayed till about 7:30 that night. We cooked out and all day and went back and fourth from parade till the place that we were cooking out at which was water street. We also went to the concert downtown to see the velcro pigmes. They we awesome you need to go see them if you have not yet.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Classroom Blogs Week 5

Click here to learn more about this websiteClick here
This is a cool website because they get to learn why the studnets missed that day. This website also has other classes on here to as well to talk to other stundets. I thnk that this blogging is a great idea for the kids and the teachers. If you want to leran more about this website please go and visit.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Classrrom Blogs Week 5

This is a good website I think that uses blogging in the classrooms. The reason for this is because it gives parents and the students help information about what is going on. Also I think it helps kids make new friends and also communicate with studnets that they do not know that much about.To learn more about the webstie click here

Thursday, February 1, 2007

My Other best Friend

This is my friend April we haev been friends since the 7th grade of middle school. WHenver I am down she picks me up and I can count on her to do anything.. YOu got to love her

Mobile Bay Bears Website

Hey this one is better.. Bay bears

Bay Bears Website

Hey check out the bay bears website. Yall will love here

My family and Me..

This is after a long day at work with my family.. I am being crazy like always

Boyfriend Brent

This is my boyfriend.. He is great! and I love him very much..

Reflections on Blogging!

Hello everyone,

Well my first three weeks of blogging was awesome. I love blogging. At first I did dont know If I was going to be able to figure this blogging thing out and I did. Doing bloggs you can talk to anyone and learn about different people that you just might on bloggs. I think that is a great Idea.
Based on my initial expericences with blogging I did not see anyone using blogs in the clasrooms but after I have firgured out to do bloggs I have changed my mind. I think that it would be great to use it in the classroom. The reason that I think that is because that the studnets can learn different study habits and learn about different cultures other than their culture. It also gives the student a chance to make new friedns in different states.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Power Point Presentation

Hey guys in the class.. I hope that everyone does well on their Presentation...

See ya later Gator

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Hey you guys well I finally learned how to post comments oh our profile.. That is great. Well I hope that you all are doing good on your powerpoints we have do. well I will talk ot yall later.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It finally let me get into the my page..... Well I hope that all of you had a great weekend..

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Tuesday Thursday 11 Class Page

To get to the class blog click here.

Hello Everyone!

Hey this is my first time doing a Blog. I Hope that I am not the only one who has never written a blog before. Well my major is Physcial Education and I am a Junior. I Hope that everyone has a great semester and has a great time in this class. I work for Zoghby's Uniform and I am the mascot for Mobile Bay Bears.